Hello Summer, My Old Friend! This month, I have a short post on various end-of-year school counseling program resources. Here you will find lots of fab links to everything you need to wrap up your counseling program for the summer AND start prepping for next summer. This time of year brings lots of closure as well as thoughts of what exciting programs to start in the fall! Here are some counseling resources to help you with various end of the year tasks such as packing up your office, terminating sessions with students, setting goals for next year, handling 2018-2019 student concerns, compiling/sharing data with your admin, and more!
End-of-Year School Counseling Resources
1. A Guide to Wrapping Up Your School Year– This is my monthly post for Teen Truth with the top 7 things you can do to wrap up your counseling program and prep for next year’s counseling program!
2. Ending Your Counseling Sessions– This is a post I wrote a few years ago on how to effectively end your individual and group sessions at the end of the school year.
3. Planning a Successful End of Year– The Confident Counselors Group offers various hacks and tips on how to end your counseling program in the summer in order to have it start back up without a hitch in the fall!
4. End of Year Surveys & Needs Assessments– Here’s a link to helpful resources for collecting data on how successful your program was during the school year and for planning appropriate topics for the next school year. It includes surveys for students, staff members, and parents/community members. Each survey in this resource also includes a needs assessment section.
5. End of Year EDITABLE Counselling Presentation– This EDITABLE program presentation guides you in sharing the year-end highlights and data of your counseling role and program!
Newsy & Noteworthy
The reason for this shorter post is that I am buckling down right now to crank out several school counseling resources this summer! In the next few months, you can look for my latest books to start bursting onto the school counselor scene:
- Sending Students Soaring– a group counseling guide focusing on healthy coping skills, conflict resolution, and SMART goals to improve grades and behavior!
- A collaborative project with the esteemed Dr. Russ Sabella to support school counselors across the nation! For now, we are keeping it quiet as we develop, but lots more details to come in the fall!
- My first children’s picture book is in the works! Look for it sometime in 2019!
Guess who was just named one of the 5 finalists for Texas School Counselor of the Year?!?! This girl! So honored and excited to be included among such an amazing group of school counselors.
I’m super excited to be presenting all over Texas and in LA this summer on my favorite topic: group counseling! Below are my dates- come and see me if you are in town!
- June 14th, 9:30am- Austin Oaks Hospital, Austin TX
- June 25th- Region 13 Counselor Consortium, Austin, TX
- July 16th, 4-5pm- American School Counselor Association Conference, Los Angeles, CA
It has finally arrived: Get Your Group On Volume 2! If you need a group counseling guide on stress management, academic achievement, and/or grief&loss, look no further. It’s all here!
Looking Ahead
That brings me to the end of this quickie June counseling post. Please leave a comment because I’d love to hear about how you wrap up your counseling program. Catch up with me again next month when I discuss helpful tips for interviewing and job hunting in the counseling world!
In the meantime, you can find out about my latest promotions, free stuff, or counseling adventures by following me on my School Counselor Stephanie Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest pages!
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